Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Awesome Experiment!

Yesterday, we mixed water and jellybeans and Sprite and jellybeans to discover what happens!  We had a great time.  When we put the jellybeans in the water, the water changed colors!  When we put the jellybeans in Sprite, the jellybeans "frizzed up" (bubbles started to come off of the jellybeans) and the soda changed to the color of the jellybean.  The Sprite also made the hard covering of the candy come off, which made the jellybeans look clear.  Ask us more about what we discovered!


  1. Gracie- I really liked this project. My favorite part was when the water changed colors!

  2. Pink- It was fun because we got to discover new things!

  3. Daniel- It was fun because the water and Sprite made different things happen to the jellybeans. My predictions were right! I thought the soda was going to make my jellybean frizzy.

  4. Mackenzie - I liked the experiment! My favorite part was when we got to look at each others water and sprite because it was interesting.
