Friday, March 9, 2012

V.I.P.- Student of the Week

     Next week, we will be starting Student V.I.P (Very Important Person) in our classrooms!  Every Friday, a student from each class will be randomly selected to be the V.I.P for the week ahead. A poster will be sent home with the chosen student to complete.  

Here are some reminders:

       Students will need to complete the poster over the weekend and return to share with the class on Monday.  Students may also bring in five things that they would like to share with the class on Monday.  In the classroom, V.I.Ps will have special jobs for the week.  These jobs will include fish feeder, teacher helper, and line leader.   V.I.Ps will also lead our Morning Meetings for the week (with teacher support, of course).   These reminders will also be sent home with the poster when it is your child's turn to be V.I.P! 

      In class, students will have the opportunity to write about their V.I.Ps each week during writing time.  Every student will have their own week to be a V.I.P.  Students are very excited about this and are anxious to see who our first V.I.P will be!  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me!

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