Friday, October 21, 2011

Week of October 24-28

Dear Parents,                                                                                    
            It was so nice to see many of you this week for conferences!  There were many wonderful things to share!  We have our field trip this week on Thursday the 27th. Everyone is excited and ready to go on our nature walk and pick apples!  Below is a look at the week ahead:
Reading:  We are continuing to work in our reading groups and centers.  Each student is doing a great job working independently on their tasks.  We have been practicing reading with fluency and we will continue to practice using our strategies to ensure that our reading looks right, sounds right, and makes sense.  We will also talk about how to read with a partner.  We will discuss how to select books with your partner and how to read books when you are reading with someone else.
Word Work/Handwriting:  Our “Handwriting Without Tears” program is off to a great start!  This week, we will practice letter formation.  We will work specifically with capital letters E, F, D, P, B, and R.  Students have been practicing starting their letters at the top and how to hold their pencil to get the best letter formation.  We will also work on grouping words together that have the same beginning sounds.
Writing:  Students have been working so hard during writing time! They are getting to know the routine of writer’s workshop and are able to select and work with writing materials independently as they need them.  This week we will discuss how to select topics to write about.  We will also focus on oral storytelling and sketching pictures as a way to organize their thoughts prior to writing.  We will discuss ways to go back and add detail to their writing once they have drafted their piece.
Math:  Everyone has been so engaged during our geometry unit!  Students are making great connections about the shapes they find in their own environment!  This week, we will compare and contrast shapes and design quilt patterns and paper quilts using squares and rhombi!
Science:  Students have been introduced to the concept of night and day.  We have briefly discussed the reasons for night and day and have touched upon how the Earth rotates around the sun.  This week, we will investigate Earth rotation a bit more and connect what we learn about night and day with shadows.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
~ Your First Grade Teachers: Miss. Field and Mrs. McIntire J

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