Edible Book Festival
As we reach the end of the school year, we will be taking a look back at all the wonderful books we have read this year. To celebrate our reading, each student will choose one of their favorite books they have read in first grade and complete an edible book review.
Here is how an edible book review works:
- Students choose a book they would like to reread and write a short summary including their favorite part of the book and why they choose it (forms for the summary will be coming home shortly). Students will begin their summaries in school and then bring them home to complete.
- After completing a short review, students will need to make something edible that represents a theme, character, setting, ect. from the book. For example, if a student reads The Gingerbread Man they may make gingerbread cookies for the class.
- Follow the link below for some other ideas. Keep in mind that the books through the link are not first grade books but rather the projects provide wonderful examples of the possibilities. (http://www.barrow.k12.ga.us/wbms/MediaCenter/html/edible_book_project_4.html)
- When creating the edible portion please make enough goodies for 13 students in our class as well as any parent visitors that may like a try!
- Please remember students are the “drivers” of this project. Help and collaboration is encouraged, however, the ideas should be those of the students.
- Most importantly, students should have fun with this project! Students have worked very hard this year. This is a way to celebrate our accomplishments this year in reading.
- All projects will be due on Friday, June 8. Parents are invited for the festival celebration which will be held at 1:30 that afternoon in our classrooms. Students will have a chance to share their book reviews and edible projects with parents and classmates!
If you have any questions or concerns as always please feel free to contact me at rfield@rsd6.org, cmcintire@rsd6.org, or (860) 491-6020. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday, June 8.
~Miss. Field & Mrs. McIntire