Friday, May 25, 2012

Week of May 29- June 1

Dear Parents,

May is coming to a close and we are getting ready to wrap up the school year with fun events and lessons!
A few reminders for the month of May:
·         No school May 28 in honor of Memorial Day.
Here is a look at next week:

Reading: Students really enjoyed taking a look back at some of their favorite books from their year in first grade.  We are beginning to discuss how to recommend different books to different people.  Next week, we will highlight our favorite books and practice creating book reviews and recommendations.  We will discuss how to describe characters and events in a way that entices others to read the story.  We will learn how to gear our book recommendations towards certain audiences.  For example, “This book would be great for someone who loves…..”  Students will be able to reflect back on their favorite books and get others to read the same books through recommendations.    

Word Work/Handwriting: In Buddy Study, students are participating in the routines independently.  Students create their own spelling lists and are learning their words through a variety of activities.  Students also have been bringing home their list of words to share and practice at home.  Students did a great job selecting their –ing words while experimenting with how to add an –ing ending; simply add –ing, drop the “e” and add –ing, or double the consonant at the end and add –ing.  Next week, we will continue to work on –ing endings and we will have our spelling test later on in the week.  By Friday, we will be ready to start another round of spelling lists with a focus on –ed inflectional endings.

Writing: Our writing unit is going very well and students are enjoying being able to collaborate.  Students have explored their topics with their partners on the net-books and experimented with different technology tools.  Next week, students will begin to publish their pieces through a form of digital media of their choosing.  The digital storytelling tools that can be used include blogs, Wiki’s, VoiceThreads, LittleBird Tales, Voki’s, comics, and StoryBird.  Ask your child to share some of the tools they are exploring! 

Math: Our final unit, Unit 9, focusing on 3-D Shapes, has been a great success!  Students are very engaged and motivated to explore and build with geo-blocks.   Students are using vocabulary, attributes, and compare shapes, sizes, and orientations of 3D shapes.   Next week, we will review important vocabulary and lessons from Unit 9 before taking our end-of-unit assessment.  As we inch towards the last day of school, we will spend time reviewing what we have learned with spiraling lessons and we will discuss how to get ready for second grade math!

Social Studies/Science:  A huge “Thank You!” goes out of all of our special guests that have come in to talk with our classes about different careers!  Students have been very excited to learn about different jobs and the skills and tools that are needed for each one.  We will be wrapping up our unit on careers next week by comparing and contrasting careers and making notes of how each one can help different people within our community.  After that, we will transition to science to explore the life cycles of different creatures such as insects and amphibians. 

Have a wonderful week!

~Your first grade teachers: Miss Field and Mrs. McIntire