Dear Parents,
January is coming to a close and students are learning, creating, and doing amazing things! This time of the year flies by with fun hands-on lessons and interesting units! Our Animal and Opinion Writing units are the topics of discussion throughout the day as students make thoughtful connections between what they are learning and the world around them.
Here is a look at what we are working on next week:
Reading: We are wrapping up our assessments and we will be continuing in our reading groups and centers. Everyone is working so hard and doing a great job accomplishing tasks independently. Next week, students will explore the strategy of inferring. This is when students combine their background knowledge (or schemas) and the clues from the stories to make thoughtful and educated predictions about the story. We will define what it means to infer before, during and after our reading. Students will practice inferring through games, riddles, and picture books.
Word Work/Handwriting: Next week, students will be practicing number and letter formations. We will look at numbers 1-10 once more, as well as letters S, A, I, J, and T. In word work, students will be investigating synonyms. The lessons will generate some creative word choices for writing! We will also be making new words with the ones we already know and changing endings of words to make new words.
Writing: Students are having a great time writing persuasive letters and speeches to the people in their lives! We are in our collecting phase this week and will be ready to choose and publish next week. We will revise and add more persuasive details and “hooks” to get our audience interested in what we have to say. We will then edit for uppercase letters, punctuation and neat handwriting. Students will then use their address books to mail their letters. We will be excited to read the responses we get in return!
Math: Students have enjoyed measuring this week! They are doing a great job using different units of measurement to problem solve. We have also been practicing telling time to the hour. We use analog and digital clocks to determine time and daily schedules. Next week, we will continue our measurement unit. Students will measure distances using “kid steps” and “jumps”. Towards the end of the week and into the following week, we will investigate halves and fourths. Students will use circles and squares to explore fractions.
Science: Science is still a favorite among students! We are learning so many things about the living creatures around us! Next week, we will explore amphibians. Students will look at videos and books to define and classify amphibians. We will investigate where amphibians live, what they eat, how they move, and what adaptations they have to help them survive.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
~Your first grade teachers: Miss Field and Mrs. McIntire